Intersemestral Verano Global Perspectives on Sustainable Development

Bogotá - presencial

40 horas

Inscripciones abiertas

Público al que va dirigido:

Estudiantes de pregrado y externos.

Objetivo general:

This course provides an integrated overview of sustainable development from a global perspective, with the aim of conceptualizing how sustainable development can be achieved in government, business, and society.

Objetivos específicos:

The syllabus for this course will critically review the plethora of SD definitions and associated key concepts (intergenerational equity, the growth paradigm, the closed loop cycle, precautionary principle); compare the movement toward sustainability in different world regions and countries; and analyse the environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainable development.


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  • Valor de inversión: $98.000 – USD 215
  • Valor estudiantes universidades CCYK: $530.000